Mary Ann Suares Levy
King Street
A woman with a complicated religious past
Mary Ann Suares (1806–1897), a daughter of Jacob and Judith Alberga Suares, lived here after marrying Barnard Levy (1789–1869) in December 1841. Barnard was a printer and a member of the Reformed Society of Israelites. Mary Ann had previously converted to Christianity but was readmitted to Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim two months before the marriage; obviously her nuptials precipitated her return to the faith. Hers was a double wedding ceremony, with her sister Caroline Suares and Caroline’s groom, Julius Schwerin, being married at the same time. The Levys were atypical of their time because of marrying so late in life; Mary Ann was about thirty-five, Barnard about fifty-one.

Gravestone of Mary Ann Suares Levy (1806–1897)
Gravestone of Mary Ann Suares Levy (1806–1897)
Coming Street Cemetery. Photo by Stephane Grauzam, ca. 2015. Courtesy of Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina.
Gravestone of Bernard Levy (1789–1869)