Jacob N. Nathans | Jacob N. Nathans Jr. | Huger Sinkler
Jacob N. Nathans (1838–1914) and Jacob N. Nathans Jr. (1873–1939) practiced law at 15 Broad Street with their partner Huger Sinkler (1868–1913). Nathans Sr. was admitted to the Bar in 1858 and served in the infantry during the Civil War. Sinkler, a member of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church and graduate of the College of Charleston, was admitted to the Bar in 1889 and nine years later was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives, later serving in the Senate. About 1900, he formed a partnership with the Nathans, and the firm built a substantial bond practice based on its success breaking the exclusive hold of the big-city bond counsel. In 1904, Nathans Sr. and Jr. were both living at 3 College Street and working as attorneys at 15 Broad. Nathans Jr. is also listed in the city directory as president of the James Island Bridge Company.
See University of South Carolina Law Library for biological sketches of Jacob N. Nathans Jr. and Huger Sinkler.

Jacob Nathans, Sr.
Photograph taken for his season pass to the South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition, 1901–1902. Courtesy of Charleston County Public Library.
15 Broad Street, no date
Jacob N. Nathans (1838–1914) and Jacob N. Nathans, Jr. (1873–1939) practiced law in this building with their partner Huger Sinkler (1868–1913). Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, reproduction number HABS SC,10-CHAR,206--1.